Monday, March 18, 2013

Summer Craze

Well here I am again with a host of ideas, a wealth of dreams and an occasional bout of laziness. Just into the fourth day of my summer after my tenth board exams, I am experiencing a lull in my imagination like never before. I mean when did I get so used to studying? Well when I think about what’s before me in the next two years I feel terrified, excited and anxious at the same time. But whatever comes next I am totally determined to make this the most phenomenal summer of the fifteen years of my life.

When I come to thinking about my first blog this summer, I really can’t decide the topic, so instead of writing about politics ( which seems strange coming out of a fifteen year old girl), books ( I already covered that area) or some weighty social issue ( again weird for my age) I choose to write about my summer .

When you say the word summer, it means flowers, trees and butterflies to some people, to some means a break from studying and to me it’s just one and a half months where I just laze around, doing nothing and irritating much. But the latter part of the statement would be a gross untruth because (to the great surprise of my family and myself ) I have endeavored to be (sort of) productive, at least in the first four days
But no one wishes to read a productive thing especially if you are on vacation yourself. So here’s an interesting recipe for all chocolate lovers. My exploit with my first (not really) original recipe. My mom and I took it upon our heads today to make an ultra chocolatey milkshake. So we took chocolate brownie ice-cream, vanilla ice-cream, nutella and milk and just crazily mixed it all together until it looked okay. Then we poured it into fancy glasses and added crunched ‘Munch’. Believe me when I say that it was absolutely classic. In fact it was really better than any milkshake I’d had before. So try it out when you get a choco-craving. Apart from this my day was not really worthwhile. When I consider that I am writing right now I guess it turned out okay. Well with this  long and rather dragged passage I end my post with a plea to excuse my frivolity partly because I am listening to the song ‘Barfi’ as I write this and partly because I have a dreadful feeling that I have caught on the summer craze. My most faithful adieu to all of you and my sincere apologies if I have wasted your time.

In the end I would just like to quote "Julius Caesar":

"Mischief thou art afoot. take thou what course thou wilt."


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